What, When, Where, How, Who?
Albert Einstein
Introduction, Important Definitions and Related Concepts:
Albert Einstein (German:
[ˈalbɐt ˈaɪ̯nʃtaɪ̯n]
(Audio file) (help·info);
IPA: /ˈælbɝt ˈaɪnstaɪn/)
(March 14,
1879 –
April 18,
1955) was a
theoretical physicist. He is best known for his
theory of relativity and specifically
mass-energy equivalence, E = mc2.
Germans (German:
Deutsche) are defined as an
group, in the sense of sharing a common
German culture,
descent and
speaking the
German language as a
mother tongue. Germans have also been defined by their national
citizenship, which had in the course of
German history, varying relations to the above (German
culture), according to the influence of
and society
in general (also refer to
Imperial Germans,
Federal Germans and
Demographics of Germany). The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)[I]
is a system of
phonetic notation based on the
Latin alphabet, devised by the
International Phonetic Association as a standardized representation of the
sounds of spoken language.[1]
The IPA is used by
speech pathologists and therapists,
foreign language teachers and students,
lexicographers, and
A file folder (US usage) or folder (British and Australian
usage) is a kind of
folder that holds loose
papers together
for organization and protection. File folders usually consist of a sheet of
heavy paper stock or other thin, but stiff, material which is folded in half,
and are used to keep paper
English is a
West Germanic language originating in
England, and
is the
first language for most people in the
Anglophone Caribbean,
Zealand, the
Republic of Ireland, the
United Kingdom, and the
United States (sometimes referred to as the
Anglosphere). It is used extensively as a
second language and as an
official language throughout the world, especially in
Commonwealth countries and in many
international organisations. March is the third
month of the
year in the
Gregorian Calendar and one of seven
months with a length of 31
days. March begins
(according to
with the sun in the sign of
Pisces and ends in the sign of
Aries. Fourteen is a
composite number, its proper
being 1,
and 14. 14 is the 3rd discrete
biprime ( 2 . 7 ) and the 3rd member of the (2.q) discrete
biprime family. Year 1879 (MDCCCLXXIX)
was a
common year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of
Gregorian calendar (or a
common year starting on Monday of the 12-day slower
Julian calendar). April is the fourth
month of the year
in the
Gregorian Calendar, and one of four months with the maximum length of 30
April was originally the second month of the
Roman calendar, before January and February were added by King
Numa Pompilius about 700 BC. Eighteen is a
composite number, its proper
being 1,
and 9.
Three of these divisors (3, 6 and 9) add up to 18, hence 18 is a
semiperfect number. Year 1955 (MCMLV)
was a
common year starting on Saturday (link displays the 1955
Gregorian calendar). Theoretical physics employs
mathematical models and
abstractions of
physics in an
attempt to explain experimental data taken of the natural world. Its central
core is
mathematical physics 1,
though other conceptual techniques are also used. A physicist is a
who studies or practices
Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena in many
branches of physics spanning all length scales: from
particles which all ordinary matter is made (particle
physics) to the behavior of the material
Universe as
a whole (cosmology).
In science, a
theory is a
mathematical or
logical explanation, or a testable
model of the manner of interaction of a set of
phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the
same kind, and capable of being tested through
or otherwise
falsified through
observation. It follows from this that for
"theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition.
The theory of relativity, or simply relativity, refers
specifically to two theories of
Albert Einstein:
special relativity and
general relativity. However, "relativity" can also refer to
Galilean relativity. The term "theory of relativity" was coined by
Max Planck
in 1908 to emphasize how special relativity (and later, general relativity) uses
principle of relativity. In
mass–energy equivalence is the concept that any
mass has an
associated energy
and vice versa. In
special relativity this relationship is expressed using the mass–energy
equivalence formula

- E =
energy, m =
mass, c = the
speed of light in a vacuum (celeritas).
An ethnic group or ethnicity is a
group of
human beings whose members identify with
each other, usually on the basis of a presumed
genealogy or
Ethnic identity is also marked by the
recognition from others of a group's
and by common
behavioral or
biological traits.[1][3]
Culture (from the
Latin cultura stemming from colere,
meaning "to cultivate,") generally refers to
patterns of human activity and the symbolic
structures that give such activities
significance and importance. Different
definitions of "culture" reflect different
theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria
for evaluating, human activity. A language
is a system of visual, auditory, or situational
constraints. Language can use against itself the
methods of an exclusively human mode of
communication; although other animals make use
of quite sophisticated communicative systems,
none of these are known to make use of all of
the properties that linguists use to define
language. A mother is a
biological and/or
parent of an offspring. In the case of a
mammal such as a
human, the biological mother
gestates a fertilized
ovum, which is called first an
embryo, and then a
fetus. Citizenship is membership in a
political community (originally a
city or town but now usually a
country) and carries with it
rights to political participation; a person
having such membership is a citizen. It
is largely coterminous with
needed] although it is
possible to have a nationality without being a
citizen (i.e., be legally subject to a state and
entitled to its protection without having rights
of political participation in it); it is also
possible to have political rights without being
a national of a state. History is the
study of the past, focused on human activity and
leading up to the present day.[1]
More exactly, history is the continuous,
narrative and the
research of events in the past of importance
to the
human race,[1]
including the study of events over
time and their relation to humanity.[2]
anthropology and
cultural studies, a subculture is a
group of people with a
culture (whether distinct or hidden) which
differentiates them from the larger culture to
which they belong. If a particular subculture is
characterized by a systematic opposition to the
dominant culture, it may be described as a
counterculture. A society is a
grouping of
individuals which is characterized by common
interests and may have distinctive
culture and
institutions. Members of a society may be
from different
ethnic groups. The German Empire is
the name used in English to describe the first
47 years of the
German Reich when it was a semi-constitutional
monarchy: beginning with the
unification of Germany and proclamation of
William I of
Prussia as
German Emperor (January
1871), effectively ending with the
proclamation of the
German republic by
Philipp Scheidemann (November
1918) and formally ending with the
abdication of
William II (November
1918). The most important bordering states
were the
Russian Empire in the east,
France in the west, and
Austria-Hungary in the south.
Demographics or demographic data
refers to selected population characteristics as
used in government,
marketing or opinion research, or the
demographic profiles used in such research.
(Note the distinction from the term "demography",
see below.) Commonly-used demographics include
race, age, income, disabilities, mobility (in
terms of travel time to work or number of
vehicles available), educational attainment,
home ownership, employment status, and even
location. Phonetics (from the
Greek φωνή (phonê) "sound" or
"voice") is the study of the physical sounds of
human speech. It is concerned with the physical
properties of speech sounds (phones),
and the processes of their physiological
production, auditory reception, and
neurophysiological perception.
Americanist phonetic notation (variously
called [North] American[ist] Phonetic Alphabet,
or APA) is a system of
phonetic notation originally developed by
European and Euro-American
anthropologists and language scientists
(students of
Neo-grammarians) for the
phonetic and
phonemic transcription of
Native American and
European languages. However, the system is
generally used for transcribing any language.
Latin (lingua Latīna,
[laˈtiːna]) is an ancient
Indo-European language that was spoken in
Roman Republic and the
Roman Empire. It was also the de facto
international language of science and
scholarship in mid and western Europe until the
17th century. An alphabet is a
standardized set of
letters — basic written symbols — each
of which roughly represents a
phoneme of a
spoken language, either as it exists now or
as it was in the past. There are other
systems of writing such as
logographies, in which each character
represents a word, and
syllabaries, in which each character
represents a
syllable, but alphabets are the most
widespread writing system. International
or internationally most often describes
interaction between
nations, or encompassing two or more
nations, constituting a group or association
having members in two or more nations, or
generally reaching beyond national boundaries.
American English, "International" is also
commonly used to signify "outside of the
A voluntary
association or union (also sometimes
called a voluntary organization,
unincorporated association, or just an
association) is a group of individuals who
voluntarily enter into an agreement to form
a body (or
organization) to accomplish a purpose.
Strictly speaking in many
jurisdictions no formalities are necessary
to start an association. A linguist can
A specialist in
languages, including
interpreters, and
language teachers. A specialist in
linguistics. Speech communication
refers to the processes associated with the
production and
perception of
sounds used in
spoken language. A number of academic
disciplines study speech and speech sounds,
speech pathology,
linguistics, and
computer science.
pathologist is a physician who specializes in
diagnosing diseases by examining tissue, blood,
and body fluids using sophisticated laboratory
techniques. Most training programs for
pathology include 4 years of medical school
followed by 5-6 years of residency and
fellowship training. A foreign language
is a
language not spoken by the people of a
certain place: for example,
English is a foreign language in
Japan. It is also a language not spoken in
the native country of the person referred to,
i.e. an English speaker living in Japan can say
Japanese is a foreign language to him or
her. A singer is a person who uses his or
voice to produce
music. Often the singer is accompanied by
musicians and instruments. An actor,
actress, player or rarely thespian
terminology) is a person who
acts in a
dramatic production and who works in
theatre, or
radio in that capacity. The ancient Greek
word for an actor, hypokrites, when
rendered as a
verb means "to interpret";[1]
in this sense, an actor is one who interprets a
A lexicographer is a person devoted to
the study of
lexicography, especially an author of a
Samuel Johnson, himself a lexicographer,
defined a lexicographer as "a writer of
dictionaries; a harmless drudge that busies
himself in tracing the original, and detailing
the signification of words". Paper is
thin material mainly used for writing upon,
printing upon or packaging. It is produced by
the amalgamation of
fibers, typically vegetable fibers composed
cellulose, which are subsequently held
together by
hydrogen bonding. A document (noun)
is a bounded physical representation of body of
information designed with the capacity (and
usually intent) to
communicate. A document may manifest
symbolic, diagrammatic or
sensory-representational information. West
is most commonly a
adjective, or
adverb indicating
direction or
geography. West is one of the four
cardinal directions or
compass points. The Germanic languages
are a group of related languages constituting a
branch of the
Indo-European (IE) language family. The
common ancestor of all languages comprising this
branch is
Proto-Germanic, spoken in approximately the
millennium BC in
Iron Age northern Europe. England (pronounced
/ˈɪŋglənd/) (Old
Middle English: Engelond) is the
largest and most populous
constituent country[1][2]
of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. Its inhabitants account for more
than 83% of the total population of the United
while the mainland territory of England occupies
most of the southern two-thirds of the island of
Great Britain and shares land borders with
Scotland to the north and
Wales to the west.